  1. What is FindStructure?
  2. What is biomimicry?
  3. How to use FindStructure?
  4. Database typology
1. What is FindStructure?

FindStructure is a biomimetic database that supports biomimetic design in general and the structural biomimetic design method in particular. The database is a result of the Ph.D. research study by Yael Helfman Cohen, who developed the structural biomimetic design method. FindStructure is a source of biological functional mechanisms that can inspire and facilitate technological innovations. It can be used by designers, engineers, scientists, architects, or biologists, who search for design solutions in nature. The database provides biological functional solutions, already analyzed per nature structures. 

2. What is biomimicry?

Since the dawn of history, human beings observed nature and applied its lessons. Nowadays, studying nature design solutions is a distinct domain of research and application, known as Biomimicry (Bio=life, Mimicry = imitate / mimesis). Related terms are biomimetics, bionics or bioinspiration.   Many human design challenges have been already solved in nature. Under the right lens, these solutions may be revealed, analyzed and used as a fuel to activate the biomimicry innovation and sustainable engine.

3. How to use FindStructure?

You may search the database in multiple ways:

By structures. Add one or more of the nine structures and find biological systems that have these structures. In order to get more specific results, it is possible to add contextual keywords to the search.

By functions. Add one of the generic functions (second hierarchy) associated with each one of the nine structures. In order to get more specific results, it is possible to add contextual keywords to the search.

By organism.  Add organism / biological system name. If it appears in the database, you will get a detailed analysis of its functional mechanism in relation to its structures.

The results include a biological functional mechanism described by nature's structure-function patterns. Please note that patterns often abstract the richness and complexity, but nevertheless, they embed some design principles and foster the abstraction stage of the biomimetic design processes.

4. Database typology
  1. Structure-function patterns 

    The following table summarizes nature structure-function patterns identified so far. Each biological system in the database is categorized by the structural patterns and related generic function in a second hierarchy. 

  2. Context keywords

    Contextual keywords may be related to various factors. Among them are the types of objects involved in the functional interaction, functional specifications or environmental characteristics. Each biological system in the database is categorized by one or more of these contextual words.